We believe that innovation thrives when people with a variety of perspectives add their voices to the mix. With that in mind, we have created The New Voices Scholarship for tabletop game designers.
This program awards admission and travel stipends to designers who are bringing new vision and underrepresented perspective to the industry.
NVIG is delighted to once again be partnering with the Tabletop Network Conference in 2023.
Recipients of the award will receive the following:
1. A badge to the Tabletop Network conference
2. Hotel at TTN for 2 nights (Sun, Mon).
3. Reimbursement for up to $500 in travel expenses to and from the conference

In addition, and perhaps most importantly, New Voices Scholars will be matched up with an established game designer who will mentor them throughout the conference and introduce them to other industry professionals.
We are committed to providing scholarships to at least five people. If you would like to contribute to increase this number, or have any questions, please view our Donation page.
We also are proud supporters of the Tabletop Mentorship Program and Metatopia, sponsoring their speaker series.
Many thanks to IGDN for inspiring this with their Diversity Program, and sharing what they’ve learned.